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REVIEW BOOK (Rentang Kisah)

REVIEW BOOK "Rentang Kisah"    Hai everyone! My name is Vadya and today I will review a book. The title of this book is "Rentang Kisah" by Gita Savitri. She is known as youtuber, blogger, and influencer. In this book she tells all about her life, relationship, family, and experiences while she is in German that have made Gita become Gita that has inspiring so many people.    Are you corious about Gita's life story?? You can watch this video and don't forger to read "Rentang Kisah". I'm sure that you will like the book and you cand finish it in a short time.  Bye, thank you!!!
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MINDFULNESS (Procedure Video Project)

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Dialogue : Make and Give Opinion

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Conversation (Suggestion and Offer)

Topik : Career One day, ITB held an Open House event. At ITB… Gita      : Hi, Clara! Long time no see Tasya   : Hi, Clara! Clara    : Hi, Gita Tasya! I’m happy to meet you here Gita     : Clara, do you have time? Would you like to chat with us , it’s been a long time since we have a chat with you? Clara    : Yes, of course. Let’s go to the cafĂ© , it’s better to have a conversation there! Tasya   : Ok, that sounds good At the cafe… Clara    : Would you like to have a drink, coffee or tea maybe? Gita      : No, thank you Clara Tasya   : Me too Clara    : Ok so, What are you doing here, Git, Tasy? Gita      : My friend suggested me come to this event , because they know   ITB is my dream university. They said it’s good to find more information there Clara    : Oh, really? Me too. Gita      : Wow, I hope we can reach our dream Clara    : Yeah, aamiin. What faculty are you interest in, Git Tasy? Tasya   : I haven’t decided what faculty I


TUGAS FISIKA         :  PUSAT 30 5 UTARA 25 5 TIMUR 10 5 SELATAN 20 7 BARAT 19 4

Recount Text

KRAKATOA THAT DESTROYED THE WORLD The 1883 eruption of Krakatoa in the Sunda strait began on the afternoon of 26 August 1883 until in the morning of 27 August 1883. This eruption was the one of the biggest disaster in the world. The explosion was the biggest and the loudest. Anyone near Karakatoa will be definitely deaf. The explosion sounded to Perth, Western Australia a distance of 3.110 kilometers. The Guiness Book of Record noted that the explosion was the the loudest in recorded history. Because of the explosion was very big, this eruption same as 100 megaton nuclear and 13.000 times bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 3 months before the eruption , exactly on Mei, 13 1883 a continuous earthquake appeared. Beside that, lighthouse keeper in Sunda Strait reported that there were a big vibration and the sea was white as if it would be standardized. That report was the the first report how Krakatoa will make a big disaster. Not only that report, 10 ships that sailed o